The fastest internet speed achieved by Japan over 319 Tb/s

Japan achieved the fastest internet speed by transferring 319 Tb/s over a 3001 km area.

The Japanese researchers have created a world record of internet speed of 319 terabits per second. A team of researchers from Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) used advanced optic fibre cable technology with a 4-core optical fibre of a standard outer diameter of 0.125 mm to perform the speed test. They have broken the previous record of 178 Tb/s that was set by engineers in Japan and Britain a year ago.

Fastest internet speed achieved by Japan over 319 Tb/s
The fastest internet speed achieved by Japan over 319 Tb/s

How do they achieve the fastest internet speed?

To achieve the internet speed record, the researchers constructed a recirculating transmission loop experimental set-up by combining two kinds of rare- each doped fibre the combination of erbium and thulium doped-fibre amplifiers and distributed transmission over 3001 km.

While the testing was strictly confined to the lab, the researcher's team advanced optic fibre cable. To transfer data as a simulated 1864 miles (3001 km) distance without losing signal quality or speed.

What does NICT say?

NICT stressed that it was crucial to demonstrate how new fibres can meet the demand of apparent "explosive increase" from new data services. The Japanese research institute noted the results from the latest internet speed test. That will help the realisation of a new communication system which can support the new "bandwidth-hungry services". 

The research institute will continue to explore ways to further increase the transmission capacity of "low-core-count multi-core fibres & other novel SDM fibres. "Further, we will work to expand the transmission range to trans-oceanic distance".

So friends, what do you think of this fastest internet speed?

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