How to download WhatsApp Status without any App! or "Status downloader website"?

Today WhatsApp status downloading is a very common question. It's because of WhatsApp popularity & huge number of userbases all over the world. Million of users are active on a daily basis! One thing is most common as well as very popular that is Whatsapp status, short & crispy. WhatsApp status uploading by millions of WhatsApp lovers as hardcore users.

 download WhatsApp Status

WhatsApp status is easy to relate to it gives short information about any personality & Business. It is important for a huge number of people and our Youth generation is still more engaged in WhatsApp status & all the activities. So, in this article, we will discuss how to download WhatsApp status by simply hacking and how to show it in the phone's gallery

How to download WhatsApp Status, step-by-step guide for free…


  1. First Watch the WhatsApp status that you want to download / Save in your phone gallery! 

  2. Open File Manager 

  3. Open the WhatsApp Resources folder 📂

  4. Go to Media folder….

  5. Choose "Show hidden files" by clicking on The dot option ↑

  6. Then you will see more new folders… also .statuses

  7. Click the .statuses folder & open it!

[ Watch-status → File-manager → WhatsApp → Media → Show-hidden-files.statuses → OK ]

* Here you can easily see, your watched WhatsApp status!!! These are already downloaded into your phone….

But, now it will not be visible in your gallery! To do that,... show this WhatsApp status in Gallary & everywhere on your phone. You have to change its folder. You have to move this status to another folder to show this in the gallery. 

How to display WhatsApp status in the gallery? 

Let's see…how it will perform!


  1. Select the Status that you want to show in the gallery. 

  2. Choose the move option…

  3. Select location (internal or SD card) if you have an SD card, you can also select!

  4. Create a Folder as WhatsApp status to easily remember also in arranged way!

  5. Enter into that folder (WhatsApp status) & Paste it there!

[ Select → Move→ Select-location → create-&-choose-folder → WhatsApp-status → Paste → OK ]

* Here WhatsApp status showing into Phone Gallery job done!!!

Now you can easily check out These Pasted statuses, which are available in Gallary!


WhatsApp status downloading is not a big thing, but still, so many people (WhatsApp users) are worried about how they can download their status. Through a secure & easy way, this hack is specially made for those people who really need it. Who tried many ways to download their WhatsApp status via Android application & WhatsApp status downloader websites, which was very frustrating as well as didn't properly work! 

So, this is an easy & Genuine method for downloading your Love Once WhatsApp Status!!! Here downloaded High Quality WhatsApp status is also visible (Show) in Gallery

* I hope you like & feel this content is helpful, then proudly share it now! 

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